Have you ever been confused when you look at a website or marketing material? Did the content and design not let you know who the company was, what they sold, or why you should buy from them? Or was it so cluttered with information, that you still didn’t understand the message it was trying to get across.
This is often the result of a poor brand strategy or lack of a brand in the first place. The right branding not only sets you apart from your competition, but it reflects your values and personality. A brand is not just your logo or company name, it’s how you present that logo and your content in a consistent manner appropriate with how you want to be perceived, whether online or offline.
And with 50% of today’s shoppers turning to a brand’s website for information, customer service etc a branded website is more important than ever to support your traditional brand marketing.
A brand is about differentiating you from your competition, be it ensuring your product information is presented in the best way possible, the way your customer support team respond to enquiries, how your emails look, how you look on social media – it is all about your BRAND and the experience your customers receive from your business.